The TV Fast

There’ve been a couple of things that have been obstacles in the path of me, learning new skills and finding quality of life at this point.  The first is the injury I have my arm which has slowed my ability to learn knitting sewing another handiwork skills.  I’m hoping that I will start to heal and that this will not be such an issue.  The second thing is, the television.  I like watching TV and it’s what I do with my husband in the evening to relax .  But I shouldn’t be watching it during the day, because it eats away my time like nothing else.  So for the next week I’m going to experiment and I will not be watching television until 8pm each night.   I seem to be getting over my bronchitis, and I’m feeling a little bit better.  The lounging on the couch is slowing down and I think I’ll be able to find other activities to fill my time without issue.

My first task will be to finish the laundry and put everything way.  I’ve already started that today.

Second, I am going to clean up the kitchen and bake some healthy snacks for myself this weekend. Including homemade granola bars and maybe some muffins. I am also going to make lunch for next week.

Third, I am going to finally get on the sewing machine.

I think this TV fast is going to work, so far I have done two loads of laundry,  a load of dishes in the dishwasher, figured out what to eat for dinner, and cleaned out my e-mail in box.  And I have swept the living room floor.

Wish me luck.